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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Oct 16, 2010
Culver City, CA
A while back Brother Moose was kind enough to slide me a charcoal bowl, body, and lid for a 22.5 WSM. I ordered the other parts to get the whole thing working, and it has been working great - I love that cooker! I never ordered a heat shield though. Am I missing out on anything by not having it? It seems kinda insignificant to me, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to put the question out there.
its just to protect whatever its on, like if you had it on your grass it would not roast your grass
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I've used my 18" (no heat shield) on my deck and grass and have never had any problems. my 22" has the heat shield and it is effective in lowering the temp below the cooker but unless your going to be cooking on thin ice it really doesn't seem all that necessary.
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I seem to be skating on thin ice a lot, but not cooking on it. Looks like my life will be just fine without it. Thanks y'all!