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Full Fledged Farker
Jan 8, 2012
Osceola, indiana
I'm cooking an 18# bone in ribeye roast tomorrow for my wifes side of the family and I was wondering if I could get some insight on this. I was thinking about slow cooking it to around 115 and doing a really hot reverse sear, but don't really know much about anything else. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Here is a picture of it rubbed down before wrapping it and putting it in the fridge

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Looks great. I usually cook mine at 225-250 to an internal of 125* and then let it rest a bit while I get the cooker up to 400* or hotter, then back on to get a crust, which doesn't take long. The difference for me is I cook mine boneless on the rotisserie, I'm not sure how the bone on will play out. Only cooking to IT of 115*, not sure that the meat at the bones would reach even a rare temp of 130*. I'm sure that many others here that have done the bone in will chime in and get you the info you need.
I prefer to cook bone-on, and you will want to take it to more around 225F internal taken in the middle of the roast. Then do the sear. Unless you are going for a black & blue cook, the 115F internal will not be enough to be even rare. Unlike a smaller cut of meat, the reverse sear over 400F or higher heat will not raise the IT much more than a total of 5 degrees for the first inch or so of meat. I do cook at ranges between 225F to 250F, preferring the lower range if possible.
I am not a reverse-sear fanatic, but for this cut of meat, I think it is absolutely appropriate. I also agree that you could do a rest at your target temperature, and get your cooker up to a 400-plus temperature, and really put a nice crust on the outside, and have a stellar rib roast.

Some people will not like their meat that rare, but you can always toss their slice back on the cooker to cook more. But, I think you are on the right track.

Good luck. Tell us how it turns out (with pr0n).

I prefer to cook bone-on, and you will want to take it to more around 225F internal taken in the middle of the roast. Then do the sear. Unless you are going for a black & blue cook, the 115F internal will not be enough to be even rare. Unlike a smaller cut of meat, the reverse sear over 400F or higher heat will not raise the IT much more than a total of 5 degrees for the first inch or so of meat. I do cook at ranges between 225F to 250F, preferring the lower range if possible.

Do **NOT** take it to ~225 internal. :shock:

Methinks Mr. Landarc had himself a typo.
I basically do what most everyone else does. 225* to ~125* internal (maybe a couple degrees less). I take it off and tent for 20 minutes, and open my vents. I normally have the fire going about 600* or so for a quick sear. During the rest, I find it typically climbs 10* IT. The sear is fast, so no need to rest afterward.

So, let's see, that was cook at 125* until an IT of 600* then sear at 225* :confused: Did I get that right?

The only thing I can really add is that many people prefer the ends. You might want to slice this in half before you cook.
Thanks everybody for your insight, I don't really wanna screw this up. I'm thinking about giving myself 4hrs on this due to the size, plus I can control fire really easy so if I need to speed up or slow down I will have plenty of time to adjust. Thanks again:) Also I decided to cut this roast in half, because I'm going to have about 4 people looking for the ends, so that's my solution to that;)

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Last time I cooked one, I cut the bones off (all in one piece) and then tied them back on with butcher string. Made slicing super easy.
Thank you everyone that helped out, dinner was great! The bone in ribeye roast turned out great and I just want to say thank you for all of the great information. I ended up cutting this roast in half just because I wanted to have something for everybody here are the pictures of it right after I took them off the cooker

and the other one

After a decent rest I sliced then up


Another really cool thing about bone in ribeye roast is that they come with a free set of Dino bones, or Ribeye on a stick, lol. These went back on the grill for a couple hours;).

I would cook another one of these in a heartbeat, what a great dinner.:). Thanks for looking, and think you for all of the help

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