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Odds and Ends Pron..


Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
El Paso, TX
Had the best intentions to capture all of the pron, but it just didn't happen. I got a few though.

Friday Night Steak Night...a la JD!

Blazing hot bed of coals. Hot enough to singe the hair off my arm as I tried to flip em! :twisted:

A little bit of cheese in a can found it's way into the baked tater. Why? Cause my son wanted to try it. :biggrin1:

Perfectly cooked!

On Saturday, I tossed 3 whole birds into the PBC and proceeded to watch the Red Sox advance to the World Series! We got some new neighbors and one of the birds went to them. Sorry, no pics, but it happened. I did manage to get a pic of the salsa I made for the chicken tacos. All of those dry pods are from this year's garden. WOW! It was one of the best I've ever made. The flavor of the different pods was incredible!
I lightly fried/toasted/rehydrated the pods in some

Pods-I used cayenne, two chiuacles, and the orange ones are either chiuacles or fresnos.
In the blender:
2 fresh tomatoes
1/4 red onion
1 bunch cilantro (top/leaves only)
2 heaping spoons of minced garlic. (We buy the large jars of that stuff)
1 small can of tomato sauce (then fill the can with water and add as well)
I also added some beer. Maybe a good long swig's worth!
Lastly, salt and pepper to taste.
I poured the pods and the oil into the blender.

Here are the pods in the oil:

Final product. Gotta say.........it had some mean heat to it. Even better today!

Thanks for looking!
Thanks for including the recipe for your salsa....need to make some before all the fresh toms are gone.
What is the recipe for that salsa? I cant seem to perfect mine.

I posted the recipe for it up above. Where do you think your salsa needs some fixing? Maybe between all of us, we can help you out. If you could post your recipe and process we can go from there.

Thanks again everyone.

Looks to hot for Dotty and me!
Steak looks perfect for me. Dotty it would have to very well done.