Thread: The Economy
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Old 01-30-2009, 01:51 PM   #7
is One Chatty Farker
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Join Date: 03-16-07
Location: Coxsackie NY

Originally Posted by fevoice View Post
Damn The Torpedo's!

Stop watching TV and quit reading the bad-news business section. The other day I picked up the WSJ and after scanning page one - called my suicide counselor.

Remember this - in every down economy there is the seed of fortune. We have to find it. Don't run and hide - run and get the new business.

Develop unique ways to get the word out about your business. Don't invest or spend foolishly, but don't be afraid to go for it and stay the course either.

This economy will rebound and those poised for the biggest bouce back will profit the most. Regardless of how bad things may seem - people still want to have fun. And what's more fun than BBQ?

Remember, whether you've got a restaurant or just catering - our #1 product is FUN! Sell fun. It's an easy sell.

I'm in the process of taking over a small defunct BBQ joint. Am I scared. You bet - Am I gonna let fear stop me? Hell No! Remember there is a big difference between a wise investment and a foolish endeavor. The Bible says numerous times - Do Not Fear.

So Damn The Torpedos! I choose to flourish! I've got some cool marketing ideas. Contact me anytime and I'll be happy to share them.

Frank Eriksen
Roaring Fork BBQ
Boulder, CO
Amen Brother you said it all I am right behind you!!
I'MMM Back💪
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