hey, skin scrapers!!!

I don't scrape, but just wondering...does this create any potential food safety issues?
I know that chilling the skins makes scraping easier. Not sure I would want to heat the skins up for safety reasons.
The question would be how long are the skins in the danger zone. My opinion is that this method would be safer than scraping as long as they are quickly cooled. When you're scraping 10-20 skins on a cutting board it takes quite a bit of time.
I'm always amazed by the "Food Safety Health Issues" stuff.

We all do what we can but my guess is very few EZ UP's actually pass inspection when all the action is happening.
4 hours danger zone >41*--<135* Cumulative. get it done and drop it in ice. No big deal.

you have to remove the shin from the feet so you can pick your teeth :p
i'm with you on the health issues, but say for instance that the skin was not cooled after scraping and did go bad. wouldn't it be safe after being brought to temperature after cooking?
I would not consume it myself as some pretty nasty bugs are not killed at the 165* and they do tend to develope on chicken, especially. Why kill off a judge, if you don't have to. :wink:
Many kinds of food borne bacteria can be killed by cooking, but not all. Seems the risks might be low, but I personally am not willing to take the risk. We should do everything in our power to provide the volunteer judges with a safe product. Not to mention our families and friends often consume the leftovers.
yes, definately chill immediatly after scraping if you choose to do this. i think you could get it warm, scraped and chilled before there are any problems.