Roll Call. Inside 30 days. State Center Rose BBQ Championship June 16-17



First competition!!! Any Brethren going to be there? Goals for competition no DAL or DQs!!
Well that's not intimidating. : ) First contest and competing with a team where we use their rub on 2/4 meats we cook. Good luck Todd. I'll stop by and say hi once we get settled in.
Well that's not intimidating. : ) First contest and competing with a team where we use their rub on 2/4 meats we cook. Good luck Todd. I'll stop by and say hi once we get settled in.

Please do.
So what's the plan for the double header? Leaving after turn ins or after awards for State Center? If they can get awards done by 4pm, we could be rolling into State Center by 6:30p.

The four hour drive home after State Center should be fun, too.
That's my plan. It will be Sonya and me for the first one and me and Sonya's Dad for the second. Cooking bullets and fatboy for Storm Lake and Jambo for State Center to maximize sleepy time between the two. :wink:
That's my plan. It will be Sonya and me for the first one and me and Sonya's Dad for the second. Cooking bullets and fatboy for Storm Lake and Jambo for State Center to maximize sleepy time between the two. :wink:

So you'll have camp already set up when you arrive in State Center?


I'll be cooking on the same gear, doing all of the driving, and have the entire family with me. :pray: God help me.
Sorta. :-D Sonya's Dad will be coming over with the meat and Jambo so he can get it inspected before I get there, drop the cooker and go harass the other teams like he likes to do. We will still need to pull the camper down from Storm Lake and drop it. Sounds like you'll have your hands full--Godspeed! Of course I'll be there to lend a hand if you need it. :thumb:
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I've been emailing with Trish and she said they are going to have spots ready for us coming from Storm Lake, hopefully be simple. Streets in State Center aren't the biggest and they get good crowds
You back to backers are a strange breed, I have no desire to even consider that!
I won't even judge back to back ever again, the Royal made me
That's my plan. It will be Sonya and me for the first one and me and Sonya's Dad for the second. Cooking bullets and fatboy for Storm Lake and Jambo for State Center to maximize sleepy time between the two. :wink:

I had hoped at Storm Lake to see your Jambo Ryan. Oh well I guess I have a few other opportunities this year
Big Mo pulled an RGC in Topeka today and left right after turn ins for Des Moines.