Don'tcha hate when the Neighbor self-invites to Your Barbecue

No better company than a dog while smoking meat. I don't like humans bugging me while I'm meat smoking. It's my alone time to think and reflect on things. Unless it is someone wanting to learn about BBQ or someone who can teach me a few things. Nosey "know it all" neighbors, not so much, which thankfully, I don't currently have since living kinda out in the woods.

Nice looking meat! :thumb:
Looks like a nice way to spend the day - hanging out with a friend...
Awww too cute! I wanna see Rosie eat some pork butt! All that hard work she did guarding your pit from wild animals!

My dog goes ape sheet when I feed her my BBQ pulled pork butt :)
Nice bread Nate! I trim mine at about half that length. I agree with smoking until the smoke is done and bringing 'em inside to the oven for a finish. You rule the smoker, not it rules you.
Sweet mannered dog. Would be very welcome here too. Thanks for sharing!