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what is an aproved garnish?

It should be there, but it might be well hidden. But anyway, the approved garnishes are parsley and green lettuce. No red tip lettuce is allowed.
It should be there, but it might be well hidden. But anyway, the approved garnishes are parsley and green lettuce. No red tip lettuce is allowed.

Flat or curly parsley
Green Leaf lettuce
Rule 12

12) Garnish is optional. If used, it is limited to chopped,
sliced, shredded or whole leaves of fresh green lettuce,
curly parsley, flat leaf parsley and/or cilantro. Kale, endive,
red tipped lettuce, lettuce cores and other vegetation are
prohibited. Improper garnish shall receive a score of one (1)
on Appearance.

We use parsley.

I hope this helps.
