Smoked Turkey Dumplins - Lawd that' Sexy

  • Thread starter barbefunkoramaque
  • Start date


Smoked Turkey Dumplins - Lawd that' Sexy - With Pron

Y'all remember the Turkey from a few days ago? Well now its time to make something from its Carcass. Popdaddy, my Boss, has ordered me to make this soulful Southern Dish. Popdaddy always said, I like two types of Dumplin's (women) foreign and domestic.

So tune in, make sure nobody's lookin' over yo shoulder at your job, keep that cursor ready over the Pause Button and pay close attention on how to make this plate of heaven.

One last thing... since we are using a Smoked Turkey like I made, no extra seasoning is needed and it still is BBQ.

Dumplin's Lawd. I knead me some dumplins.


Donnie Pitmaster "T"
Chef and Agent to Popdaddy - arbitor of all things Funky!
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Damn Y'all. This Video has had 61 hits in a hour. That's a lot of people looking at Popdaddy's Precious Little Dumplins. Mercy!

Thanks to the Brethren for the inspiration!
I'll wait til I get home to check it out. Shoould make an interesting evening.
Strange how nobody has a favorite "dumplin" this time. LOL

I even included BigMistas personal Fav (although I tried not to repeat myself).

She's the one where it says "popdaddy say you will have to Knead this thoroughly"


I love this site so much more than Barbeque News, who apparently have never even heard of Spicewine cookers... sure get a lot of stuff about Stmps though. Wonder why? You guys have been an incredible inspiration. It more like we are a brethren or something.
I loves me some dumplins. :biggrin: I've never tried to make smoked turkey dumplins, I'll have to definitely try them.
I want to be loved for my Dumplins. This the first Dumplin Thread I ever saw where there was no fight about flat or dropped dumplins.