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Old 11-01-2009, 01:11 PM   #10
Hell Fire Grill
Full Fledged Farker
Join Date: 01-30-08
Location: Farkerville

Is the inside of your paint can galvanized? Not that Im a safty freak but if it is I think that could fark up a good hunk-O-cheese. Your paint can is going to actually be a kiln, a retort recycles the volital gases to heat the retort, for informations sake.
I have made and use a charcoal retort to make charcoal with, usually every spring. If you dont care if the charcoal is from grape vines, you can get the charcoal from your fire pit, its almost pure carbon anyways. Just burn the wood down to coals then spray the fire with a garden hose to extinguish it completly, and you'll have lump charcoal. The water wont harm the charcoal at all but it will need to dry for a day or two before it will burn efficiently.

If you must use grape vines I would use a bare steel container for a kiln.
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