Cold Weather Vending


Knows what a fatty is.
Sep 26, 2006
Kuna, Idaho
Hi Everybody, been a long time since my last post. We have been busy trying to get this BBQ thing up and running as a full time gig. I have a questions about cold weather vending. We are now set up outside our local Cabelas. Boise's location is one of the few in the country that does not have a diner inside. I'm wondering if anyone is vending this winter and how they are managing to pull people to their trailer. We are running our daily specials and that sort of thing. Any ideas?
Well, I'm not vending as I have a joint in the back of the local general store, but I would recommend a few ads in local papers - especially if you have a Penny Saver/Shopper style paper. We have something here called The County Shopper - basically a classified paper with local display ads. We ran a few "Bring this ad get a free drink" with great response. People reading those sort of papers - & a lot of people do - actually also read the ads.

As you're vending in the snow, might I suggest our motto "Seasonal BBQ is for wimps". Make the trailer in the snow thang & plus not a minus for people. Put some picnic tables up. Make some tables out of snow. Have a snow man contest.

Also I'd suggest dropping menus off at local businesses. Does not take a great deal of money to have some run off at Staples or Office Max. Put some on the trailer for folks to take with them.

Finally - use Facebook/Twitter/website. I know you may think people in your area are not interested, but you'll be surprised. We use our website & Facebook page to let folks know our specials & whether we've sold out of anything. Had about 50% of NYE orders come from people reading our menu on our website. Do not underestimate the power of the web - especially when it comes to vending Q.

Much luck. I'll be thinking of you as I light my smokers on (compared to Boise) balmy -5º Catskill February mornings.
Thanks, we are working the facebook/twitter thing pretty hard and that is building. However, the add it the shopper and the other idea are killer! Thanks again
Just curious as to what kind of outside temps are ya fighting and what do you use for heat in your trailer? We shut down vending at the moment, although its a very mild winter so far...I expect to be at it by march. Nice website btw..:thumb: