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Blues Hog Rub

Saint Louis BBQ Store has it on their website. Hit Google.

Not sure if they have a large contained or not but they do have the normal size kitchen shakers.
They have it, but I just hate spending as much for shipping as the cost of the product

Yeah, I'm right there with you. I was looking to buy some Blues Hog Tennessee Red earlier today. A pint was like $4.99, but the shipping was $7.99. I just couldn't do it. I want to support a small biz, but $8 to ship something that costs $5 is against my nature. :mmph:
Yeah, I'm right there with you. I was looking to buy some Blues Hog Tennessee Red earlier today. A pint was like $4.99, but the shipping was $7.99. I just couldn't do it. I want to support a small biz, but $8 to ship something that costs $5 is against my nature. :mmph:

Buy it by the gallon. Shipping is less that the price of the sauce then, lol...
Was not impressed with their rub as with the sauce, pure chili powder imo
The rub is very similar to the regular sauce. It's like sauce in a powdered form. If one thinks it's just chili powder, shake it up more or fine grind. Try smelling and tasting on product first before dismissing. Makes a great layer of flavor.