Advice on doing a first BBQ for a crowd

Well Sports fans here's the update: We're going for it! Spent all day from 8amand still going.

Meat on by 9am on a LP upright smoker after trying to decide if we could get 300-350*F on it with 5 butts....Nope! 228-230*F was max and it took about 2 hours to get there. Smoked on that until almost 8pm and pulled them at about 158* internal temps. (probe) Transfered them to my house ovens at 350*/foiled to finish. It took both of my ovens to fit them in small foil pans so as not to trash the ovens.

It is now 9:30 and one is done (It was in one oven by itself) Cut off at 185* and it rose to 189* at rest. The others are at 179 and at this rate should be done at about 10-10:30pm. At that point I'll pack them in towels in a cooler that will just fit them all and we are leaving at 5:45am. Should be up and pulling by no later than 8am. We are going to pull and put into pans, cover and back on the grill to get up to temp again. Plan on getting them to about 160-180* for about 30 min to 1 hour before serving any. Thermopen going on Birthday list!