How about your other neighbor? What Pi$$ poor story has he got brewing?
Oh the old lady 8.125 months pregnant crutch!:biggrin:
Just got the word from Gary (Notley Que) he can make it. Friday till Saturday. Can't wait to see all the brothers there where we can shoot the chit without worrying about a comp getting in the way.
I really want to go to this bash. I with I had known before today to make plans!!! I will try and make arrangements to go Friday night. Plans have already been made, fellow coaches birthday party, Mother's Day on sunday! I will try and make it out on Friday Night, stay through Sat morning. If I go, I can definitely bring some Fat Tire. What usually takes place on Firday night? mostly drinking? any grilling or Qing?
I really want to go to this bash. I with I had known before today to make plans!!! I will try and make arrangements to go Friday night. Plans have already been made, fellow coaches birthday party, Mother's Day on sunday! I will try and make it out on Friday Night, stay through Sat morning. If I go, I can definitely bring some Fat Tire. What usually takes place on Firday night? mostly drinking? any grilling or Qing?

Vic, bro, you gotta make it out to this. We/I need to meet you! There's good stuff gonna be going on Friday night, don't you worry!
Vic, bro, you gotta make it out to this. We/I need to meet you! There's good stuff gonna be going on Friday night, don't you worry!

Dude, Im gonna try my best!! I may not be able to make it until like 10pm. As "they" say.... it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission!!!

Any idea when the next one of these will be held around here?
My amazing cool, incredible, beautiful wife gave me the OK-dokey to come play friday. I have to leave saturday, but I will be there.
I shall bring a nice bottle or 2 of Gods Nectar aka Crown Royal, and a grip of munchies. I can chip in $$$$$ for any food that people brought.

Is that cool with everyone.


One more day of work then it's off to Norco!!! Maybe I'll do some shopping tonight after the Laker game...