"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Happy Phriday Phu and pharkers!

The only thing smoking will be my arse heading to the airport Sunday for our flight to Florida for 2 weeks. I am taking some snags and bacon with me so we at least have something decent to eat once or twice.

Doing a skirt steak for tonight. Tomorrow night it's fish and chips, some fresh caught crappie fillets a friend gave me from ice fishing my pond. Probably make some beer batter onion rings to go with them.

Have a great weekend Phu and all you Pharkers!
Found a Chuck Roast with a nice eye intact about 8lbs! Could not pass this baby up.
Going to S&P apply smoke for an hour on the UDS then wrap in foil with about 2 chopped onions on top to melt in the next 3 - 4 hours. smashed tatters and grilled carrots wth butter and parsley..
Received some Salty Sailor rub yesterday from Todd, aka "The Dirt Man" and gonna try it tonight on some chicken, ABTs, a T-Bone and a fatty. He calls this a Texas style rub and gotta tell y'all it smells great. I'm a fan of his Original Dirt and Crabby Dirt so am excited to try this new rub.

Will be posting results later.

Thanks Todd!