Phubar's T-Bone with Taters and Peas Pron

Phor those wondering how Phu stays thin - I think one of the reasons is that his portions are reasonable. I've had the extreme pleasure of eating with Phu, Padawan and Dennessey a Phew times. Each time we've had about 3 complete meals in an evening along with a dessert. :shocked: Thing is, I never lePht Pheeling stuPhed or uncomPhortable - Phull for sure but not overly so. These Pharkers are very good with balance.

What I love about the way Phu and his gang cooks is that they show that you can have super Pharking delicious Phood and it is still reasonably healthy. It's just good, Phresh Phood cooked to be the best it can be.

It's looking like I'll be out there again next year, this time with my Phamily, and I am really looking Phorward to seeing this crew again. Some of my Phavorite memories of the past Phew years are with these guys. :thumb: