Is Bradford Pear wood good?

It's not the best, but it's OK if it's all ya got.

I have a LARGE Bradford Pear in my backyard. The wind and ice give me a lot of it for smoking. It's OK, but can get a little bitter.

I suppose the best way I can describe it is that it's not as forgiving as oak or hickory.

Just remembered, my dad said my last two smokes were the best ever and they were done with charcoal and bradford pear.
G$ said:
Mark said:
I second what Leebo said.

which? That it was 'ok', or 'the best ever'?

Both I guess. Lots of variables involved in any cook. Regardless, Bradford Pear is fine for smoking. That said, if I could choose between a cord of free Hickory and free Bradford Pear, I'd take the Hickory.