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Old 01-14-2007, 02:03 PM   #35
somebody shut me the fark up.
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Join Date: 05-24-04
Location: Long Beach, CA

Originally Posted by Norcoredneck
Looking at Mistas fire ring I would venture to guess he took 30 gallon drum and sliced it kept bottom for pan and slice with expanded metal for basket. This is good because it accomplished his need for emptying ash. Plus it probably provides more even heat due to fire diameter than mine. 12# of charcoal in a 13" ring stacks about 6-7 inches. In a 30 gallon drum it is lower. If it is ideal to keep 24" between coals and grill it would give more room for 2nd grill.

Mista, keep track of my ramblings and when we build the envy of barrel smokers we can use the ideas or laugh at my delirium. I think I need to wash my hands after giving the old man his Mophine
You're not delerious. That is exactly what it is. Since I am on a balcony, it would be extremely inconvenient trying to dump the whole barrel. Plus it would end up with ash going over the side and that isn't a good idea since the apartment manager living directly under me. With the setup I have, I wait a day or two to make sure there are no lit embers. Then I give the charcoal grate a shake so all of the ash falls thru in to the pan (plus the unused coal stays in the grate for the next cook). Then I just dump the used ash into an old charcoal bag.

Wait! Bigmista wrote a cookbook?

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