Got a weed burner last night

How can you not get one? This might be my next purchase once my new smoker arrives. I have six weeks to figure out how I'm going to rationalize this.

Just break your chimney starter. This torch is only $20 not much more than a starter. Purchase justified.

This thread is hot. Just one day before I bought my weed burner and posted a thread on it. Only got one reply albeit it had a silly tittle. Thought you guys found a more fun way to light coals or something.
I recently moved. I packed my weed burner in a box and labeled it "Weed Burner". One of the movers found the box and was very sad to learn that it was used only on to start my charcoal....
Just picked up the electric start one yesterday on sale for 15.99. I used it for the first time today. How did I go so long without this thing?