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Has anyone ever tried molasses on a pork butt?



I was gonna do a cook tomorrow of a couple butts and was thinking I wonder what molasses would taste like if I put it on like 10 hours in. Would it give a better color and taste? If anyone has tried it I would love to know how you did it and how it turned out. Thanks!!:becky:
I used to use a molasses based BBQ sauce and glaze, it was pretty good. I never used it straight, but, as a component it has merit.
just molasses and salt... interesting. might have to try it some time.
I only did it to find out how the molasses tasted when cooked on the meat. It was a positive result. I also made pieces with only salt and one other ingredients for probably over a hundred different ingredients. I'm not sure i would cook a whole butt that way, but I wouldn't have any problems using molasses on a butt because of this result.
I use molasses on my pork butt like other folks use mustard.

Really like to hold the rub on thats what I use mustard for. Does it give a good bark how about the taste does it overpower your rub?
I have punctured ribeye steaks and drizzled molasses over them before grilling. Makes darn good eatin.
Well I am using it today on a butt and see what happens. I used it like I normally would use mustard to hold the rub on. I'll update later maybe a pic or 2 as well.
I've used molasses before in a brine solution for pork butts ala Alton Brown. Turned out really good. Never thought about using it as a slather. Looking forward to your conclusions.
Ive done one with pomegranate molasses that I really enjoyed a LOT. Love the color and depth of flavor.
If you are wrapping it, you might try putting a layer of rub on (light) and then molasses over it before sealing the wrap!!! I have done that after about 8 hrs, and let it finish wrapped, and gotten a great color/ flavor.

cooking at 240ish when I did that.