A competition question.

Try sending an e-mail to Jeff Stith. He's the Chair of the KCBS Rules Committee. Let him find the reason for the rule and report back to you.
So you are wanting to help another team beat your own team? Am I missing something?

Stacking has to be the answer, otherwise my wife could enter as the head cook of her own team, we could both help each other, and double our chances of finishing DAL!
As someone said earlier, the short answer is I cook on more then one team...And it so happens that both of these teams would be at one specific contest each year.
As someone said earlier, the short answer is I cook on more then one team...And it so happens that both of these teams would be at one specific contest each year.

I was just giving you a hard time. I know several people this could affect. I would think it would come into play with someone wanting to assist multiple teams from time to time.
Brad, sounds like we might need a long distance runner this weekend. If we had one we could share him, shouldn't be a rules problem. Not sure my teammate can make 4 trips that far, we're old!
@ Bentley, I'll be cooking at that same contest, so it could be 3 teams at the same time. .... but you have to cook the chicken....