Monster Corned Beef Patramization (lots of pics)

Thanks Ron - I have a corned beef in the freezer I am going to have to pull out and get soaking... mmmmmmm - pastrami.......
...both ended up going to 200.

As you can see from the pictures above, they sliced perfectly, even after being cooked to 200.

told ya' so!! :becky:

ALright, I can't be that smug... I was actually looking forward to seeing the difference in results between the 2 of them. Now we'll just have to wait till next time. :roll:

Awesome lookin sammie Ron! :thumb: I love reuben's with pastrami!
Mine, too! Where's the thousand island dressing?? Now I've gotta go look for something to eat. This pron is making me drool. :doh:

Horseradish is my condiment of choice :) Parsley Lady used 1000 Island on hers.