The Undertaker finds Pitmaster T

Haven't even started. Gave a list of things for the owner to buy.... mostly paint and cable and pulleys and stuff.... He also needs to cut a hole in the roof and we are looking for a stack. The current stack, once you cut off the rusted parts, is within inches from the top so we need a stack.

The other problem is he keeps putting **** in there.
It has begun... when I am not so tired I will explain why I am, in the middle of my MKT project, am going ahead and restoring this brick pit from the 1960s.
T - I'm jealous...

you're home for summer, have two great projects and they are both BBQ/outdoor cooking related !


Thanks for update on the Undertaker project.
Okay, originally when I committed to doing this I did not have an MKT, nor was I thinking of starting up my catering biz in Texas again.

So... the day I GOT the MKT on my property (for what an MKT is click here) the guy from the Restaurant called and said he'd like to get the project going soon as he was celebrating his second year in the biz.

I felt it was such a wierd thing he called right then as I was hoping he had forgotten me (because I was too busy starting my own thing I thought to help someone withtheirs).

So, I prayed on it and responded that I would help. I just felt there was a signal He was sending me. Note the "h" is capitalized.

So as I am over there and start working on it the owner is so appreciative and we get to talking and I hear his plans and he hears mine. It was nice to see someone who realizes that while we both want to serve food, my "mobile" interests do not threaten his.

I mention the need for an "approved kitchen" to go on my Texas License and he starts opening up about his "catering kitchen" that he says he works in under the radar but is buying stuff for and needs someone who can do the little things to get it up and running. He offers that if I can do that, I can list his new "catering kitchen" as the approved kitchen.

Needless to say.... this is probably exactly why he recontacted me and I offered my attention without a hardened heart.

I just got him to buy the masonry stuff so I will be capping that firebox soon.