How many of us


Gnaws on Pigs

Cook in the house, too-with pots, pans, the range, the oven and such? Or do most of us just cook outside on the smoker?
That's me, too. Ilove to cook, wherever, on whatever.
I cook inside and out. Inside during the week outside on the weekends. Working evening shift puts a hold on the outside cooking for me during the week.
Head Chef at my house inside and out. I had to work late today and told the wife she was in charge of supper tonight. We went to our favorite local Mexican place. She always does that when she's in charge!!
I mainly cook outside. Most of my inside cooking is reheating things I've cooked outside. I enjoy cooking inside, but I almost never do it except for breakfast anymore.
Seems like in the last few years I find myself cooking more and more. Inside or outside, makes no difference. Also seems like my wife's version of cooking is just opening a few cans or hamburger helper type stuff now that its only us at home.
I cook outside as much as I can. When it gets cold I get pushed inside more than I'd like. And during the week I don't always have the time unless I fire up the gasser. Sometimes I even use the crockpot! :wink: