Hot Dog Question

I'm thinking Portillo' right there!!!!!

I always found Portillo's a little pricy...I usually preferred to find a tiny little hot dog and Italian beef place--they were usually better, and way cheaper. but then again, that was when I lived in and around Chicago...up here in WI it's a different story.

now I really have a taste for some Tony's beef :tsk:
Yeah, either I grill them, or I pan fry them.
Every now and again I'll deep fry one right quick, then throw it on the grill, but I usually don't bother with the frying.

I can't believe you can't get all beef over there. No Nathan's?! No Hebrew National?!
...Can you order them? o_O If you can, those are the brands to look for.
The only place I have seen those names is on this forum.

You guys and gals have sorted the "cooking and splitting issue, however!
This morning TFO wanted some hot dogs for breakfast so I used the method here of putting them into hot water no heat.
They were fine...but still pretty disgusting IMO.
I am going to smoke and grill the rest, simply heated those things would send a three legged dingo running across the plains.
BTW ketchup/tomato sauce is the standard condiment used for sausages downunder, we all grow up on it.
Thanks everyone.
ps. Guess who ordered a sausage stuffer and meat grinder yesterday?:tsk: