Spicewine Cleaning Question

Could you just use those cheap disposable expanded metal grates? Meat would not touch the racks..
if you always have meat touching each rack at all times... ie. you leave one cooked butt on each rack while you load in the next round... then take off the cooked one....

are you ever "between cooks"?
KickAss is lookin smarter all the time with the use of his Foil Pans.
When you get inspected, just pull out the new foil pans and say See, Never been Used :)
I have the temporary food service application submitted and it will be approved. One of the things that I have to do in between cooking is clean each rack in my spicewine.

don't stop cooking...
you say that you have to clean them between cooking....
just keep something cooking all the time....
solution solved...
