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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
Staff member

Batch Image
Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
Name or Nickame
Heres our totals folks.

but first.. A message from our sponsor. Me

I know I go all corndog once in a while with The Spirit of The Brethren, get all gushy and Mary like... and I am sure theres those out there who roll their eyes.. But I really believe that those are the ones who have not gotten to know us, or understand the culture we encourage and nurture here.

What you folks have shown here is amazing.. it IS The Spirit of The Brethren, and naysayers..roll your eyes all you want. What was done here, I have never seen in any internet forum.. EVER. For all the negative stuff that I have to deal with occasionally, which I will admit sometimes gets to me.. it is the things like this that makes it all worth wild. One act of support, by so many people, wipes out all the bad, and proves to me that we are doing the right thing. It proves that this is an amazing group of people here and we have a great future and a culture that I believe unrivaled. My hats off to all of you who helped make this happen, supported it, and backed me up. A huge thanks to each one of you.


To cut to the chase

Bill will receive a payment of

Three Thousand
Five Hundred
Eight Dollars

For the sake of full disclosure.

$3,377.32 in Auction payments
$110.65 Paypal fee......
Nets us 3266.77 in Auction $$


$175 in donations
$7.19 in fees nest us
$167.81 for Donations(no auctions)

Grand Totals

$3552 Gross/117.84 Fees /3434.48 Net
$75 still outstanding which I will cover till the guys come back.
If this does not show a true Brethren fellowship, I do not know what could. All the best to Bill and family! It just makes more sense to me why I take pictures of food.

Mine was a small contribution to this cause; others have gone above and beyond. This site is just unbelievable. I am glad to just be a part of it!
This totally unbelievable... I am not going to comment anymore about it right now.

I am going to have my wife and daughter look at all of this. Then they can read this thread last.... then I will let them say a few words of appreciation as well. So until then, THANK YOU ALL for your love and support.

I wish I could have helped, but I am unable to at the time. But I will say I am proud to be a member of this forum....THAT'S FOR DAMN SURE!!!
This is truly amazing! I am blessed to know you all and to be able to contribute in some small way.

Long Live the Brethren!
I know I haven't been on here lately, but it has been busy and hectic.

I will try to be more regular, but can not promise much right at this time.

Just so each of you will know, I just sent Phil a summary of the money that you all so graciously sacrificed for us. I know it didn't look good, getting the money and not being here much afterwards. I hope I didn't make any one offended. It has gone to good use, and I hope it will be approved of.

I am off work today, and will be back into another 10 straight days, 2 of which will be 3-11 on next Saturday and Sunday evenings, then right back in on Monday at 7am.... but it looks like by looking at the schedule, it will start getting back to more of a normal work schedule by the end of August... can't wait.. it sure has been a long time of messed up work schedules, shifts and weekends. Right now we are working almost every other weekend, and one of them being the 3-11 shift instead of our regular day shift.... that really throws the screws to the sleep habit.

I see you all have been actively working on keeping the forum busy, and I just looked and I am 6 pages behind just in the "Q" section..... It will take me forever just to get caught up... thanks... keep up the great work.

Again, thanks for all you have done.
Pretty darn amazing... What a great group of friends we have here. Phil thanks for putting this little shin-dig called The Brethren together!!!!

I have to concur... unlike any other forum I've been part of - for RVing, diesels, VWs, BBQ, whatever....