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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
Staff member

Batch Image
Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
Name or Nickame
Brethren helping Brethren

These are Benefit Auctions. The funds collected will go to open a trust fund for baby Carmella.

Heres where we come in. Let it be said up front, the recipents of these auctions CAN NOT SEE WHAT IS GOING ON and if anyone knows them, please keep this under wraps. In the future, once we are done, I will open it up and they can see what what transpired.

Instead of asking for donations, we are going to have an auction. All proceeds from this auction will go to the trust fund. Heres how it will work.

Dig stuff up.. stuff your not using, stuff you don't want, stuff you will never use.. or if your so inclined, throw some new stuff in here. Gift certificates, thermos, bbq items, etc.. Something you feel a member may be interested in.

Start a thread(using the template in red below) and that is your auction item and your donation to the auction.

Members post to that thread to bid. Either enter an auction end date, or we close it when there is no activity to that thread for 3 days. At the end of 3 days, we put up a LAST CALL. If someone bids during the LAST CALL a final 24 hour clock starts to allow for a counter bid.

Once bidding is complete, click on this link to make your payment. I will work up a few web pages to make payments to.

I will confirm with the bidder the completion of payment and the owner can ship out the product.

Of course, if you just want to make a donation that will be available too.

The proceeds will go into our paypal and it will all will be sent to Bill(Smoke in my i) to help him get back on his feet.

So please, start looking thru your stuff.. anything you want to put up for auction, take a picture of it and lets begin. Tonto and Txchutte will oversee the transactions and keep stuff flowing.

Recommended format for a new auction thread.

Auction item Description:

Starting Bid(If any):

Duration/Closing date(or no activity for 3 days):

Shipping or Pickup only:
This is tonto and txschutes idea.. Which i thought was great.

if this works, we may even leave the auction around when we are done where you guys can auction your stuff off instead of it sitting in the gasser for storage. :)
Great idea. This week is hectic, but I'll look around for something to post next week.

This is true Brethren Spirit!!
Crap! Im just seeing this! I hope Im not too late. When I get home I'll see how many jars of smoked garlic powder I can rustle up.
Great ideal:)wink:) Phil.......I'll see what I can find to auction off:biggrin:
Great idea, guys and gals! For whatever reason, I just noticed this. I think leaving it up all the time is a good idea to help fund anything like this that comes up over the years ahead.
I will second or third this or whatever number it is.... I had thought about sending Phil a PM to suggest that there should be a special fund set up for emergencies to send flowers or whatever when it is needed.... this will work also and I think it would be more fun.... and will help some of us get rid of some less used stuff so we will have room to get some NEW toys....

I love it already.