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Dec 9, 2004
Wandering, but not lost
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Captain Ron
I was planning on cooking pizzas on the Egg tonight but my wife called on her way home from work and said that she didn't have a taste for pizza tonight. She suggested meatloaf so she stopped by the store and bought the ingredients. She was just planning on mixing in some eggs, bread crumbs and ketchup to keep it simple, but I had other ideas :-D

I chopped 1/4 sweet onion, 1/4 green bell pepper and a couple of carrots finely and sauted them until soft. I added in two cloves of garlic, chopped and about 1/2 cup of leftover sauted mushrooms and then cooled the mixture. Then I took two eggs, 1/4 cup of bread crumbs and a package of garlic-mushroom soup mix and mixed them together and added in 1 lb of ground round and 1 lb of ground turkey and the veggies and mixedx it all together and then shaped it into a loaf on a foiled jelly roll pan and baked it in the oven at 375 for about 90 minutes. Then I added a glaze of ketchup and brown sugar. I also popped a couple of cloves of garlic into the oven to let them roast for a bit and boiled some redskins and made roasted garlic smashed redskins. Some frozen sweet corn from last summer and some gravy rounded out some great comfort food! Pizza will be tomorrow!


Good Gawd Man....that looks fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!! That plate with smashed tater, gravy, and corn really really really looks good:wink:
Meatloaf on the WSM is the only way we eat it anymore....then the sammies next day!!! Good looking spread!

I won't say it is the only way, but smoked meatloaf is surely the default position around here. When someone says "meatloaf" unless they say otherwise, it means cooked in one of my cookeers.

Ron, great spread, got my appetite going first thing this morning.:-D
Ever tried adding a can of drained Rotels? Adds a little kick. Love them in meatloaf. Another option is a couple of finely diced Chipotles.
Sure looks good from here!!! Have you done a meatloaf on the BGE yet? After I did one my family doesn't want it any other way.

Not yet. I normally cook meatloaf in the WSM but it was so windy last night I didn't feel like cooking outside.

It's 10:20 here, i'm eating Taco Bell cause i worked late..................i hate you!!! :wink:

I'm sorry... I guess Yo don't qiero Taco Bell... :biggrin:

Ever tried adding a can of drained Rotels? Adds a little kick. Love them in meatloaf. Another option is a couple of finely diced Chipotles.

That sounds great to me, Ford, but I don't know if my wife would like it. I guess a couple of individual meat loaves to test it out are in order.
I get so dam mad. I have to literally make trades in order to make meatlof around here. It seems the wifes' mother ground beef them to death as kids and she can't stand the thought of meatloaf (even my smoked meatloaf).
So if I want to make it I have to turn over the tv remote or suffer through a chick flick.
So thanks for the pics, at least I can eat meatloaf vicariously though you guys.
My question is, What is it that makes a meat loaf a meat loaf. And a Fatty a Fatty.
are they both not loafs of meat. Is it the Beef VS Pork thing.
