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somebody shut me the fark up.
Aug 22, 2013
Fort Wayne, Indiana
I was thinking what can be different with a chuck this is my Chuckie Challenge.

Didn't need a big chuck so I picked out this off cut at the butcher. Slow smoked 250* in the mini up to a 195* IT gave it a rough pull and then braised in a little diluted beef bouillon for a few hours to complete render the fats

Took the pull and braised in a little stock.

Now let's work on that pizza

I started with some Artisan Style Pizza dough from my neighborhood bakery.

Some veggies...onions, peppers, garlic, roma tomatoes.

The rest of the toppings...this is starting to sound good1

Getting the pizza put together

Pre baked the crust a little and got the pizzas on the Jumbo Mini ( Jimmy) smoker.

I gotta do some more recipes with this style this crust blew me away!

Thanks for looking!
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Looks like you ate pretty dang good!!! Nice job.
LOL since i procrastinated on the TD enry i ended up eating the pizza, Pulled pork and chicken wings...not to mention all other kinds of snacks.

nice looking pizza, look into making your own dough, it's not terribly hard and certainly can be just as good.
Not sure i could do as good as this place did but i would like to try.

Fark yea! That is an awesome looking pie. Great entry!
Thanks! There are so many incredible cooks on here i had to try to get creative....just hope it's a worthy attempt at a TD
Yup, looks great. Wonder how some sauce would do on it?
Tomato pizza sauce?

There are lots of different sauces you can do with this type of pizza, possibilities are endless. This time cheese whiz and cream cheese was the sauce. Next one i'm doing crema mexicana as the sauce....gotta make a run to a Mexican grocery this week.