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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Aug 27, 2013
Des Moines, IA
Hey Guys/Gals, first time posting on here after being a long time lurker.

I am planning on doing the biggest smoke i have done yet and am looking for some tips from all you pro's. I have no problem at all doing 1 butt, but 4 at one time has me a little concerned. We are holding a free luncheon here at my work and need to make sure the food is ready to go by about 10:00 AM.

First, has anyone ever done this much butt on a single rack UDS? 2nd, will my time be increased greatly by having much more meat than i usually do. Lastly, when would you start the smoke to ensure that it will be done by 10 in the mornin?

Any and all input is greatly appreciated. I think i can handle this with really no problems, but if there are any tips you feel would lend me in the right direction, let a brother know!
I have put 40lbs of pork butt onto a single rack in my uds. The times increases a little bit, but not much if you are able to recover to the temperature you want to cook at quickly.

What are the sizes of the butts and what temperature do you plan on cooking at?
I have put 40lbs of pork butt onto a single rack in my uds. The times increases a little bit, but not much if you are able to recover to the temperature you want to cook at quickly.

What are the sizes of the butts and what temperature do you plan on cooking at?

The butts are approx. 8-9 lbs a piece. I bought a case of them so they arent individually marked. But the box contained 4 pack of 2 butts each that weighed a total of about 77lbs.

How much space between butts are we talking about here? Inch, half inch, or more??? I also have a digi thermometer that goes on the grate (et-732). Im worried about that fitting on there with all the meat. any suggestions on that? shoud i just go get a cheap walmart fryer therm and put below the grate instead of using the maverick?
Well 40lbs of pork butts is 4-5 butts correct? You should be able to arrange them around the rack and then put the grate probe towards the middle of the grates. As long as the meat isn't overlapping you will be fine (if they touch a little bit that is ok because they will shrink)

If you want to ensure that the butts are done by 10am, I would put them on between 10-11pm and cook at 275 degrees. This should get them done in about 1 hour per pound and give you time to.

The way I would prep the uds is to dump about 3/4 chimney into the uds. Once it reaches 225 I would close off 1 vent. At 275 close off the 2nd vent. at 325 put the meat onto the smoker. The temperature will take a while to go up because of the large amount of cold meat you are putting into the cooker. Adjust your vents accordingly to maintain the 275 degrees.
I would cook those as hot as your drum will allow you to. Take the weight of largest one and figure 1.75 hrs Lb(this includes a rest and a little fudge time)since they will all finish a little different.
I would cook those as hot as your drum will allow you to. Take the weight of largest one and figure 1.75 hrs Lb(this includes a rest and a little fudge time)since they will all finish a little different.

250-275 works great for me, my drum get's up to 375-400 not sure i'd go that hot!:-o
The way I would prep the uds is to dump about 3/4 chimney into the uds. Once it reaches 225 I would close off 1 vent. At 275 close off the 2nd vent. at 325 put the meat onto the smoker. The temperature will take a while to go up because of the large amount of cold meat you are putting into the cooker. Adjust your vents accordingly to maintain the 275 degrees.

This is very good advice. I just made 6 butts in a 2 grate UDS and underestimated the impact of putting so much cold meat into the smoker. I had the temps stabilized at my cooking temp and it took a long time to get back there. Had I taken it up to 325ish, I am sure it would have stabilized much quicker.

Live and learn, that's what is great about this hobby. It gives you a laboratory that is easy to play with, and the end result is yummy smoked meat! It is also why i have been a homebrewer for over 20 years. lot's of stuff to play with and learn, and you get to drink the results of your work!

Hey Guys/Gals, first time posting on here after being a long time lurker.

I am planning on doing the biggest smoke i have done yet and am looking for some tips from all you pro's. I have no problem at all doing 1 butt, but 4 at one time has me a little concerned. We are holding a free luncheon here at my work and need to make sure the food is ready to go by about 10:00 AM.

First, has anyone ever done this much butt on a single rack UDS? 2nd, will my time be increased greatly by having much more meat than i usually do. Lastly, when would you start the smoke to ensure that it will be done by 10 in the mornin?

Any and all input is greatly appreciated. I think i can handle this with really no problems, but if there are any tips you feel would lend me in the right direction, let a brother know!

Welcome to the Forum fellow rookie.

I was able to get 3 - 9 pounders on a weber 22.5" otg with it just barely any gap in between them. Once they cook for a little bit they start shrinking. Did the Hot and Fast at 325-350 until the color was were I wanted it than butchers paper and foil it. I've has good results from this.

Good advice so far. One thing I'll add is be aware of how much fat will be dripping on the fire and thus burning off when cooking that much meat. You can lessen this by running a diffuser/catch pan of some sort below the cook grate(like a pizza pan or somethin). I did two 9# butts last weekend on mine without a diffuser and the white smoke from drippings got a little heavy toward the end of the cook. Flavor was good, but I think it would've been better without that "fat smoke". Good luck.
Like our brethren said.... cooking one or cooking 6 it's all the same. Just plan a bit more time as that much "cold meat" will take longer to come to temp. BUT... don't rush it. Let that cooker rise in temp slow to allow the butts to bath in tasty smoke flavors.
Thanks for all the help guys. That helps alot. Didnt even think to bring the temp up to 325 or so before puttin the meat on. Ive got em seasoned and wrapped in the fridge since last night. I think im gonna keep em wrapped and see how they fit like that on the uds and go from there. I dont need the meat until friday. So, if i cant fit em all on there at once ill just smoke 2 tonight and 2 tomorrow. Good thing i like to drink beer and hang out by the smoker!! Anyways, i have been taking pics of the prep and plan on posting the full results on here for all to enjoy.
My suggestion is to add 2 hours to whatever you estimate your cook time to be. This gives you insurance time against sudden weather changes, longer than average stalls, etc. When the butts are done, double wrap on foil, place in a dry cooler & cover with towels, newspapers, etc. If they get done early, no problem. I have held butts 5+ hours in a cooler & they were still too hot to handle with bare hands. They extra rest actually helps the meat reabsorb juices.
I've done 15 pounds (2 butts) on one of my two racks, I could do 30-35 on one, and possibly double on the second.

My suggestion is to add 2 hours to whatever you estimate your cook time to be. This gives you insurance time against sudden weather changes, longer than average stalls, etc. When the butts are done, double wrap on foil, place in a dry cooler & cover with towels, newspapers, etc. If they get done early, no problem. I have held butts 5+ hours in a cooler & they were still too hot to handle with bare hands. They extra rest actually helps the meat reabsorb juices.

Ya, about the weather. I live in the good ol state of iowa. its been about 100 during the day and close to 80 at night, with absolutely no rain in the future. Its been brutal lately. But, nothing cold beers cant fix! And yes, i plan on giving my self a few hours of play just to be sure they're done. Keep the feedback coming!