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Some of you may remember my botched strip cook a couple of nights ago. Tonight his brother is paying for his sins and pics are coming regardless of the outcome. I'd like to think I'll nail it this time!

Stripasaurus rex V2:


Whiskey tank is full, meat tank is empty. This meat has an ill fate ahead of it...
I just dont like a strip unless there is a bone and a little friend on the other side that tastes like butter...



Where is my ribeye?
I ate it, but I was less than impressed. The cook was not the fault this time. Very dry and not much flavor. You won some, you lose some!
That pretty dang good to me. The texture of a strip steak is what I think a lot people don't like about them. I would rather one than a ribeye. I know call me crazy.
I ate it, but I was less than impressed. The cook was not the fault this time. Very dry and not much flavor. You won some, you lose some!

I got a pack at Sam's that had 5 in it and have cooked 3 and have not been happy with any of them. I have bought strip steaks at Sam's for a couple of years and this was my first pack I have not liked so I agree it could be the meat.