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Full Fledged Farker
Jun 30, 2009
I made some spares in the oven using a smoker cooking bag. (cost $3.50) i seasoned the ribs then put it in the aluminum pouch and sealed it. this pouch has two layers with wood chips in between one of them so it doesn't come in contact with the food.

next time i will put it on the grill as the smoke tends to fill the house and it doesn't smell that great.

the instructions say to cook for 70min but i gave it 2rh's. 70 min would have worked fine because when i took them out they were falling off the bone.

i didn't put any liquid in the bag.

i was going to put them on the grill to firm up but my wife wanted to try one first and then i tried one and five min latter they where gone. they turned out pretty good and tasty. i just used montreal steak seasoning and no sauce.


ribs with montreal seasoning

ribs in the pouch i had to cut off one bone to make it fit.

in the oven it went at 450 temp per directions

when i took it out 2hrs latter it looked like this.

this is what the ribs looked like before they hit the belly.
I have done ribs in the oven at 275 with no foil. Start to finish was about 3.5-4 hours with good tenderness and color. They didn't have any smoke flavor but were very good.
Looks like there was Alder wood in the package. Good for fish but I prefer something with more bite on pork.
Also, coulda used a little more color on 'em.
Otherwise... meh.
They're oven ribs. Whadda ya expect? :razz:
Those look pretty good. I might've put a little sauce on them and blasted them under the broiler to firm them up and make em crusty, but they are definitely better than what 90% of people had for dinner last night. I have taken a liking to using my handheld torch for getting crust that way I don't have to fire up the broiler alone, or if I don't feel like lighting the grill. Does a good job really fast, and it's fun as hell too to wield a torch around meat. LOL.
Those look pretty good. I might've put a little sauce on them and blasted them under the broiler to firm them up and make em crusty, but they are definitely better than what 90% of people had for dinner last night. I have taken a liking to using my handheld torch for getting crust that way I don't have to fire up the broiler alone, or if I don't feel like lighting the grill. Does a good job really fast, and it's fun as hell too to wield a torch around meat. LOL.

i had the grill warmed up to do that but by the time we where done tasting them they where gone.
That's too funny man. A hungry family can demolish some food no doubt!
Those look pretty good. I might've put a little sauce on them and blasted them under the broiler to firm them up and make em crusty, but they are definitely better than what 90% of people had for dinner last night. I have taken a liking to using my handheld torch for getting crust that way I don't have to fire up the broiler alone, or if I don't feel like lighting the grill. Does a good job really fast, and it's fun as hell too to wield a torch around meat. LOL.

I personally try not to let a torch get close to my meat :biggrin1:
i'm in seattle so the temps never get bad enough that we can't Q. all we have to worry about is, "how wet are we going to get running between the grill and the door."