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Babbling Farker
May 4, 2008
Boise, Idaho
FYI - A buddy tipped me off yesterday that there's a UDS "DIY Home"
feature in the current issue of Popular Mechanics.


That's really cool. I wonder if a brethren wrote it. When I first saw the picture, I had to stare at it for a good couple minutes. For a second I thought you were holding the magazine up on a table and you had some little toy model of a UDS in front of it. And then I thought..."I want one of those."
Well cool! I haven't really looked at that magazine since I was a kid but I always read every page when my dad's copy arrived. It always had some really good do-it-yourself projects.

Yeah, but they said we'd have flying cars by now. :doh:

Well cool! I haven't really looked at that magazine since I was a kid but I always read every page when my dad's copy arrived. It always had some really good do-it-yourself projects.

I agree. In fact i did not think the magazine was still being published.
I got my issue in the mail on the 15th, Yes I still subscribe and Popular Science also, and posted an article about it on the 15th when my issue arrived in the mail. Thought maybe I had been banned from the forum. Didn't get one response. Thanks for your post and after reading the responses above I now understand. Good to be back. :thumb:
I just happened to be at the library, and went to find the current issue. The biggest difference I see from Norcoredneck's instructions is that the ball valve is elevated and they make cooling handle for the lid. If someone is looking for more detailed instructions, it could be worth buying. Or do like me and read it for free.
Hey yall! I'm the author of the Popular Mechanics article. I'm glad you guys found it and liked it! Proud member of the brethren. Needless to say, this site was an incredible resource. I only hope my article guides more curious folks to the wonders of the UDS.
Hey yall! I'm the author of the Popular Mechanics article. I'm glad you guys found it and liked it! Proud member of the brethren. Needless to say, this site was an incredible resource. I only hope my article guides more curious folks to the wonders of the UDS.

Sweet! Thanks for spreading the word in the "traditional media". Did you read all 500+ pages of the UDS post? :wink:

Thanks again,