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Big slick

is one Smokin' Farker
Mar 4, 2011
Palatine, Il
I know many of you on here have already tried this, but for those who haven't I'm telling you... the stuff is AMAZING! It's a flavor unlike the rest of the SM product line. I highly recommend you try this if you're looking for a new dry rub to try. It's just the right amount of sweet and a great spice as well. They change their name from Simply Marvelous to Gods Gift to BBQ! Great product. I just had to brag.
Yup - it's one of those "can't miss" things. It's always a good move to use that stuff - everybody loves it!
ARGG... I just ordered and received some SM cherry and pecan. I debated adding that one... now I can't remember why I didn't. Buyer's remorse for not getting more.:mad:
I love Steph's pecan and cherry.... Hope to be Sweetly Seduced soon too. :thumb::wink:
ARGG... I just ordered and received some SM cherry and pecan. I debated adding that one... now I can't remember why I didn't. Buyer's remorse for not getting more.:mad:

Yer still in good shape - that's great stuff too! :thumb:
Yeah and ALL the SM rubs have a distinct and common smell to them I think. Every time I crack the seal on them I say, "Ahhhh....that Simply Marvelous smell!" I don't know what exactly it is, but they all have that "sump'n-sump'n" about them.

But yeah....that Sweet Seduction just brings it up another notch, eh? I like to use that mixed with Season All on ribs.:thumb: Stuff's got farkin dehydrated honey flakes or somethin!:clap2:
SM rubs certainly taste good when you sample them, but so far all my cooks have produced very mild results. I'm wondering if you need to put a lot on.

I don't put on any more than I do with any other rub. I'm no expert, but I liberally rub all my meats. I shake it on til it won't stick any more.

All I know is I've had plenty of people ask me, "Man....what's that flavor in that bark?"
I reply, "It's Simply Marvelous!"
They say, "Yeah it sure the heck is......but what is it?"

....kind of like that whole "Who's on first" thing......:becky:
SM rubs certainly taste good when you sample them, but so far all my cooks have produced very mild results. I'm wondering if you need to put a lot on.

My process is like Wampus' I sprinke liberally with season all and a flavor rub and let them sweat or fridge for a few hours. Try it!:thumb:

You can always PM, call or email me for more detailed insights: [email protected] or 805-708-5276

I love talking Q!:cool:
Cherry, Pecan and Sweet Seduction are my absolute favorites for beef and pork. Season All is my go to for any and all poultry. I've never tried it on anything else, but I guess I should give it a go one day.

I also sprinkle heavily and let sit. Then right before it hits the smoker I hit again with more rub.
I've got some cherry, apple and some sweet & spicy? What would you go with on some baby backs for the super bowl. FYI, i plan to put a mix of blue hog og/tenn. red on the sauce. Which by the way just came in the mail yesterday, thanks Steph!
All the SM stuff is great. I was most surprised by the Season All, not because I expected it to be bad, but I figured it was going to be just like Lawry's and I don't usually use seasoned salt. But I'm surprising myself by how much I'm using it.
NorCal, I would say rub it with cherry and then hit with sweet and spicy before throwing them on the smoker. Just taste each one and see what would go with the wood you have to smoke with. I try to stick with the same wood and SM rub (apple/apple, cherry/cherry, pecan/pecan). It all comes down to personal preference.
I love the sweet and spicey!!! but just got some of the sweet seduction. made wings with it and finished with some thinned down Blues Hog... OH my!!! that stuff was made for wings!!!!!!! and I am sure I will think the same when I use it on another cut SOON!!:thumb:
All the SM stuff is great. I was most surprised by the Season All, not because I expected it to be bad, but I figured it was going to be just like Lawry's and I don't usually use seasoned salt. But I'm surprising myself by how much I'm using it.

Exactly....I had been using "Lawrys Seasoned Salt" for at least 35 years.
It tasted good, and didn't cost much. The first time I tried the
Simply Marvelous "Season-All" I thought....It tastes good, but it isn't any
better than the Lawrys.....a couple of days later I decided to try it again
as I didn't think I had given it a fair chance. So I cooked a steak and put
the Simply Marvelous "Season-All" on it....a little heavier than I had before.
And beat the pants off of the Lawrys...and the shoes too.

You will just have to try them and see what direction your taste buds
tell you to go, to get the flavor you like best.