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Rick Hamilton

Knows what a fatty is.
May 5, 2009
Yorktown, VA
Got it finalized with Rod and Johnny over the weekend. They will both be out to Yorktown VA March 18/19 for a class. Details are on Rod's website. Thanks to Mark Breen (Serial Grillers) for providing his restaurant for the class!
what is the web address or can you please post the link
Go to Rod Gray's web page AKA Pellet Envey. He has a thing about classes on it. I am thinking of this or IQUE's class. Both in March. IQUE is local for me
This is going to sound like I am being a jerk, but I swear to you I'm not, rather just asking an honest question. Why would anyone pay $750 for a BBQ class? Is this price pretty normal for similar classes?
I tested rubs, cooking techniques, injections,and sauces for a good 7 months before I ever competed. I even went down to Mobile and graciously helped Ford. He was kind enough to give me tips and show me a few things. I think 750 is a fair price if u wanna skip all your own research. When cooking for my best friends I don't even tell them what I use when they ask. :becky:
This is going to sound like I am being a jerk, but I swear to you I'm not, rather just asking an honest question. Why would anyone pay $750 for a BBQ class? Is this price pretty normal for similar classes?

I don't think it's a bad question. I thought the same thing until I took Yazoo Delta Q's rib class for $300. Taking what I learned I ended up making my money back after the first competition I entered. It honestly is an investment.
This is going to sound like I am being a jerk, but I swear to you I'm not, rather just asking an honest question. Why would anyone pay $750 for a BBQ class? Is this price pretty normal for similar classes?

When I went it was $500 for 1 and $250 for spouse or other.

Is it worth it? If you win a grand champion it is. Will you win one with/without a class? Maybe.
I think is it worth it is a fair question. My thoughts...

Rod normally charges $500. This is both Rod and Johnny Trigg. Looking at the application it says "each will share every detail of their competitive cooking style, including exact recipes used in competition". You will come out of this with at least 8 recipes with nothing held back, opportunity to ask as many questions as you like, and the experience of cooking with two world class bbq cooks.

Over the cook off season if you get 4 or 5 top 5 category calls there is a good chance you have made the money back. If you win a are way ahead.

I think you can spend thousands on contests and meats and rubs and struggle for years never getting consistent calls. If this accelerates your success curve then 100% is worth it. If you go and just want the experience and knowledge but don't compete...100% worth it.

I think you would be paying $500 for Rod and $500 for Johnny to get the same info in this single class. Sounds like a good deal to me.
This is going to sound like I am being a jerk, but I swear to you I'm not, rather just asking an honest question. Why would anyone pay $750 for a BBQ class? Is this price pretty normal for similar classes?

reasonable question for sure.

It's certainly easier to justify a class of this type if your primary reason for attending is improvement of your competition performance which many of the higher $ classes are geared toward.. Some of the info a comp class provides may not feel of value if you don't compete (Ex.. a backyard guy doesn't need tips on laying greens in a styrofoam box, shaping chicken thighs etc) If you're a backyard guy, the class may still provide enjoyment and learnings if you're going for an overall experience and hope to get some tips or questions answered.... but the $$ become a bit harder to swallow and you can probably learn much/more here on multiple cooking techniques and/or allocate $ to some books or additional BBQ tools/gadgets etc.
not a pro, just frugal or stingy, lol

All I'll say is this:

Ain't tryin to "butter yer bread" but I read your comments, and am often struck by the experience and wisdom that they display.

Now, you're not the only one (a LOT of wisdom on this site), but you're a extremely valuable resource for this website, and a darn nice guy, to boot.
I thought about this class. Really sounds good. IQUE is doing a class also in March and it is local for me. Will have to think about this