the brisket is cooking

After painfull analysis at bash I, experiments proved that earliest legitimate drinking time on a Sunday is as soon as the meat goes into the chamber and chamber reaches 220.

ok, that said... how big determines how long ya gonna be drinkin for.

I got up at 3:30 this morning after about 3 hours of a drunken sleep. Staggered to the beast, rolled it out of the garage, and as I turned it around in the driveway to position it, one of the goddamn farking back wheels buckled and fell completely off. The whole farking unit almost crashed down in the driveway and would have probably landed on one of my wife's cars. So there I am, pitch farking black outside, half asleep and drunk, trying to hold up the beast. :evil:

I managed to slide the fallen wheel under the frame, then placed my hand ax on top of the wheel, and it was enough to support the unit. Ran and got a 4x4 block and that's what I got now. Pic attached. The brisket went on at 4:25am and hit 170 after 8.5 hours. It's wrapped in foil already. I am taken photos of pretty much the whole process (including slicing) and will post tomorrow.
Okay - 11.5 hours in the 230-250 range. It's about 188 internal. Not bad for a 14 pounder. I'll let it go another 30-45 minutes, put another wrap of foil and towel around and into the cooler. 2 racks of spares are about 1/2 way through the 2 phase of 3-2-1. Turds will go on in 30 minutes.