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big brother smoke

somebody shut me the fark up.

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May 3, 2006
Ventura, CA
Hi folks,

In honor of my first GC, I am offering 15% off on our products through Friday. All you have to do is spend $40 and get the discount.

Our rubs are proven winners from the backyard, local contest, Sam's Club, The Royal, and The Jack.

If you are interested email me [email protected]
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Steph, why do you want to make the competition stronger by telling your secrets? What if they figure out the combination of Sweet and Spicy and Sweet Seduction on ribs (my favorite combo).

Congrats on your success and i'm gonna take advantage of your generous offer. My son has been after me to order since he used all my Pecan rub so he'll be happy now. Maybe i'll get an extra bottle & put it in his stocking at Christmas.
does that 15% apply to your dealers too? haahahaha Great win buddy and We did use one of your rubs for our win at the Royal Invitational! Im not saying what meat but I sure love pecans.....